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Community Administration

Eliminate the stress of HMIS operations. With Bitfocus as your system administrator, we assume the duties of the HMIS Lead Agency, ensuring the efficient, reliable, day-to-day management of your system.

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Compliance You Can Count On

man smiling looking up from laptop

Change Management

Your Bitfocus community administrator takes care of implementing your system in accordance with ever-evolving HUD and local requirements. We handle updates, test fixes, and configure custom workflows to ensure your HMIS runs smoothly while also complying with CoC policies and federal regulations.


System Oversight

We make sure all the backend pieces function in line with local, state, and federal requirements. This includes ensuring the network infrastructure is up and running; completing hosting and back-up procedures; managing user accounts and access levels; maintaining partner MOUs; keeping up-to-date technical documentation; archiving relevant client data; and implementing data privacy and security best practices.

looking at programming code on computer


In accordance with HMIS lead requirements, we implement an HMIS operations plan, maintain a calendar of events, develop custom project work plans, and implement disaster recovery plans. As members of HUD's vendor workgroup, we can anticipate forthcoming changes and help communities get a jumpstart on planning.

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