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Core Values

Bitfocus, Inc. is a global and diverse company that believes all people should be treated with dignity and respect. Our core values reflect this by guiding how we treat others, how we conduct ourselves, and how we work together with each other, our partners, and our customers.

How we treat others

Practice Good Stewardship

Be faithful and diligent with the duties and responsibilities we have been given.

Treat All People with Respect

Every person has dignity and worth, regardless of status or company affiliation.

Benefit the Customer

Understand the customers' needs and help them reach their goals.

Benefit the Company

Others rely on you to do your part, just as you rely on them.

How we conduct ourselves

Practice Humility

Don't be arrogant; much of our success is rooted outside ourselves.

Exercise Self-Control

Use wisdom and discretion in all words and conduct.

Accept Responsibility

Take ownership of fixing the problem, not placing the blame.

Act with Integrity

Protect the trust that others have placed in us, and preserve their confidentiality.

Tell the Truth

Speak only the truth regardless of who, what, when, or where.

How we work together

Admit the Contributions of Others

Share the podium with those who played a part in your success.

Work as a Team

Individual successes only count if they make the team and the company successful also.

Uphold Leadership

Leaders are to be honored as servants to others and examples of our values.

Speak the Truth in Love

Resolve issues with the other person honestly and directly, while always seeking good.

Help Others Accomplish Their Goals

Have the same ambition for others' goals as you do for your own.